An Anime is a cartoon or animation originating from Japan. They are distinctively unique and usually have storylines applicable to mature persons. Their storylines are often lengthy making them longer than most American cartoons.
animesIn Japan, animes are created for both children and adults alike. They are also created to fit into different genres like comedy, drama, action, romance and erotic or pornographic. Animes have ratings according to the storyline each portrays but it isn’t unlikely to find scenes considered unfit for children in the American society appear in some anime scenes. These unfit scenes are most times limited to bathroom scenes.
animesThe Japanese culture and way of life is a huge underlying factor in animes and they generally portray good as better of than bad. An anime may be created for a specific group of people such as children, teenagers, boys, girls, and adults (18+). There are even some out there targeted for business men and women. Animes differ in storyline and concept but often center on the Japanese culture and people.
